JLS Celebrates 60 Years of Service!

On May 7, 2019, JLS members celebrated 60 years of JLS service and leadership at our annual conference and 60th anniversary celebration with live music, dinner and a champagne toast!

During the annual celebration the Mary Riley Wolfe Scholarship was awarded to two high school seniors, Evelyn Scarrow (Catholic High School) and Carson Marquart (Central High School); the Cheri Clark Bouquet of Enthusiasm was awarded to Allison Jackson (Membership Transformation Taskforce Chair); and the Lifetime Achievement Award recognized sustaining member and Past President, Linda McAllister.

During our 60th year we offered volunteer support to 12 community partners by  providing 203 volunteers who completed 599 volunteer hours through our Done-In-A-Day projects. We held 13 leadership training events for 166 members and graduated a provisional class of 47 to active membership.

During a ‘Conversation With Our Founders’ we were reminded to

“Stay as good as you are, keep the faith, hold the name high and have fun.”

Thank you to everyone that has supported our organization for the past 60 years!

Cheers to the next 60!

Mary Riley Wolfe Scholarship Recipients

Linda McAllister, Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient

Allison Jackson, Cheri Clark Bouquet of Enthusiasm Award Recipient

Passing of the Gavel

Tammy Holden (2018-19 President) & Nikki Holden (2019-20 President)

Passing of the Baton

Casey Chasteen (2018-19 Management Director) &

Rachel Fuhrman (2019-20 Management Director)